Information technology and security: International Forum on cybersecurity was held in Moscow

13 February 2017

February 7, 2017 at the site of the Digital October in Moscow was held the International Forum on Cyber ​​Security - Cyber ​​Security Forum 2017. The Forum is a key part of the Safe Runet Week, the official Russian series of activities for the International Safe Internet Day.

The experts have discussed the current issues of cybersecurity, including those related to the formation of the digital culture of private users, the state regulation in this sphere, as well as the emergence of new cyber threats. 

It was strongly emphasized the need for government, industry and the community of joint measures in order to create a united front to counter cybercrime.

On the need to intensify education on the evidence is submitted at the forum the Microsoft study, involving 14 of the most developed countries of the world. Within its framework was studied negative user experience interaction in the Internet environment in terms of personal safety, as well as the consequences of such interactions. The result was rated by digital culture Digital Civility Index. Russia was there on the 12th place, said Director of Corporate Affairs Microsoft Ulyana Zinina; on the set of indicators is almost the worst result. According to the survey, about 75% of the Russians at least once in life faced with online risks. In our country, people are often subjected to aggression from other users; moreover, they have to constantly respond to unwanted contacts. But Internet threats - a common phenomenon abroad; experienced more than 65% of respondents with them.

Considerable attention at the forum was paid to the technical and organizational aspects of the protection of business data.

The situation with the enterprise data protection is complicated by the fact that the opportunities for cyber attackers were not less, but the security systems are becoming more complex, and thus they are less structuring - there are too many independent and difficult integrable elements. The answer to this can be a holistic approach, in which the enterprises will be set up "security factory", providing protection against all types of attacks in all areas. And these "factories" must have high speed, for example, to filter traffic in the firewall mode to terabit speeds and inspect application mode 100 Gb / sec.

But it is important not only technical but organizational means – cyber risks must be managed. And it is also a matter of culture, but corporate. Cyber risks management will help companies to set goals of corporate cyber security program and evaluate its progress. At the strategic level, it will help to assess the impact of cyber business development, to choose a reliable safety technology. All this will give a competitive advantage and will help minimize the appearance of new threats and risks.