Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition “Revolution. The First Salvo”, dedicated to the centenary of the Revolution of 1917, in Moscow

12 February 2017

February 10, 2017 in the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia took place the opening of the exhibition of the artist Ivan Vladimirov "Revolution. The first volley", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1917. Visitors are presented realistic painting of the artist, who witnessed a turning point in the history of Russia.

The exposition presents more than 50 paintings by Vladimirov from the Museum and private collections, covering the first half of the XX century.

"Our museum until 1998 was called the Museum of the Revolution, so for us a century anniversary of the Russian Revolution - a special date, - says Director General of the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia Irina Velikanova. - In addition, the idea of creating the museum came in 1917, so 2017 - the anniversary year not only for the revolution, but also for the museum".

The exhibition of work by Ivan Vladimirov will run till February 28.