Internet and Culture: Results of the International action "Live Pushkin" will be presented on the Web
In 2017 the Rasul Gamzatov Khasavyurt central city library with the support of the "Russkiy Mir" Foundation spends an International campaign "Live Pushkin". The essence of the project is the accumulation of many Russian and foreign activities for the development of the younger generation's interest in Pushkin's heritage. It is addressed to children and youth of national regions of the Russian Federation and foreign countries an invitation to discover Pushkin, in touch with his work through the new theater, multimedia projects, exhibitions and other events to rethink the richest Russian literature. Even after almost two centuries after the death of the Great Russian poet the created by him is still relevant, and the project should show that Pushkin, in his spirit is modern to young people of the XXI century.
The main purposes of the project:
- the promotion of intercultural dialogue and the strengthening of mutual understanding between the peoples of the Russian Federation and foreign states on the basis of the golden fund of Russian literature;
- the popularization of the Russian language and Russian culture as an important element in the world of world civilization;
- providing increased access to modern ideas and programs to promote cultural, historical and literary heritage of the Russkiy Mir.
The ceremonial start of the project will be held on February 10, 2017. Then participating creative teams will spend on their sites a variety of activities in accordance with the unified calendar plan of action.
Each participating in the project organization should be open on the Internet on the blog hosting Blogspot.com competitive project, where you can post analytical notes on the progress of its implementation, developed information and training materials, operational reports on the events, interviews, reviews, photos, videos, as well as other information. All blogs will make collectively created virtual resource that represents a successful modern experience of promotion in children's and youth environment of the creative heritage of Alexander Pushkin.
In order to identify the most interesting regional projects will be formed an international commission of experts from among the famous figures of science, culture and art, respected public figures, famous journalists, leading specialists of library and museum work, which, having studied the blogs contestants, will call the leaders of the competition.
In June 2017 the campaign will be officially completed with the participation of representatives of the most distinguished Russian collectives and foreign countries at the All-Russian Pushkin poetry festival in the Literary Memorial and Natural Museum-Reserve "Boldin" (the Nizhny Novgorod region), where the winners of the contest will perform at the plenary events and specially organized for them roundtable.