Memory of Russia: The exhibition "Our Victory" in Kazan

9 February 2017

February 9, 2017 in the Republic of Tatarstan at the National Museum (Kazan) starts working a unique exhibition "Our Victory", dedicated to the heroic struggle of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

For the first time in Kazan is held a joint exhibition of the National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Military-Historical Club "Citadel", organized with the support of the Regional Branch of the All-Russian public-state organization "Russian military-historical society" in the Republic of Tatarstan, devoted to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The exposition devoted to military subjects, presents more than four hundred and fifty exhibits. Special attention deserves the form of soldiers of the USSR and Germany, which was used in the period from the 1930s and 1945s. It is widely represented models of personal and small arms, machine guns and weapons, equipment and household items (belts, pouches, flasks, helmets, stars and more) of the soldiers of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht.