Museums and Society: The exhibition "Rescued relics" was opened in the new Museum of Military Uniform in Moscow

7 February 2017

In Moscow was opened a new Museum of the Russian Military-Historical Society – The Museum of Military Uniform. The first exhibition - "Rescued relics" acquaints visitors with individual samples of Russian military uniforms of XVIII - XIX centuries.

The exhibition presents unique exhibits Russian military uniforms of XVIII-XIX centuries from the Museum of the history of military uniform, created on the basis of the collection of the Imperial Quartermaster Museum, which existed before the revolution, under the auspices of the Russian Emperor. The "store of samples", established by Peter I, received items of military uniforms not only the Russian army, but also foreign armies. In 1868, based on the collected items were born the Quartermaster Museum and by the Imperial decree of Alexander II was told to collect the sample and experimental samples of uniform "in order to preserve the history of the samples of military uniforms".   

After the revolutionary events of 1917, the museum was closed and the exhibits were laid in boxes and sent to storage in the Peter and Paul Fortress. In 1932, some of them were transferred to artillery historical museum, and some went to the theater costume. The greater part of the exhibits dilapidated, remained in the vaults. Since 1959 the collection has been available to a limited circle of specialists at the experimental design based on the Central Clothing Management, organized by the Office of the clothing supply the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. 

Thanks to the full support of Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov, director of the Culture Department of the Ministry of the Armed Forces of Russia, in 2015 was carried out the project of the transfer of unique items from the museum's storerooms of the Ministry of Defense of Russia to the Russian Military-Historical Society for the restoration and display in walls of uniforms RVIO. A year after the start of restoration work and a hundred years of oblivion, rarities of military uniforms for the first time are shown to the wide range of visitors.