Information technology and society: In St. Petersburg was created a universal programming language for robots

6 February 2017
Source: TASS

The creators of the universal programming language for robots won the competition of start-ups, held at the Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University in the framework of start-up accelerator GenerationS. 

"Language rcml (robot control metalanguage) can be used for the robot from any manufacturer, any design and, most importantly, for the co-operation of robots", - said the head of the company which has become the winner of the Robot control technologies Dmitry Sutormin.

Project of his company was recognized as the best in the direction of TechNet. Experts pointed out that the search for such a solution has been conducted for about 20 years, as a universal language can produce in the robotics revolution, comparable to that which occurred in the development of the Internet with the advent of html language.

Now there are more than a thousand languages, thus almost every manufacturer uses its own robot language, which makes the device incompatible and unable to communicate with each other. "All the issues are addressed in the field of mechanics, it makes no sense to repeat the already created, so we conducted a search on the task, trying to offer a new software solution - to teach robots to communicate" with each other", - explained Sutormin.

Robot control technologies as the winner concluded a cooperation agreement with the Polytechnic University and plans to participate in the project "Factory of the Future" as part of the National Technology Initiative. In addition, the company received a ticket to the exhibition of robotics in Germany and the right to participate in the finals, which will bring together the leaders of the eight directions of a start-up accelerator GenerationS.