Memorable dates of Russia: 230th anniversary of the birth of poet Konstantin Batiushkov to be celebrated in the Vologda region

6 February 2017

The Vologda region is going to widely celebrate the anniversary of its countryman, the famous poet Konstantin Batiushkov. This year marks 230 years since his birth. In honor of this anniversary the Batyushkovsky Festival will be held. 

In addition it is the planned the competition of readers "Paternal Chambers" and an essay competition "I - patriot of Russia". To the anniversary will be also open an exhibition where exhibits will be items from the collection of the Vologda museum-apartment of the poet.

In spring in Cherepovets will appear the Batyushkovsky Square. In the village of Hantanovo, which is a family estate of Batiushkov, will be open the Batyushkovsky spring. Here, every year there are historical reconstructions of battles in which Batyushkov participated himself, who gave many years of military service. In 2017, for guests of Hantanovo will be restored the battle of Heilsberg. In this battle he was severely wounded.

Poetry festival will be held in Vologda in the poet's birthday, May 29. In the city center will run an open microphone, everyone will be able to read lines of poetry. Then will be laid flowers on the grave of the poet.

In summer in Cherepovets will be held scientific and practical conference "Local history - a source of patriotic education of youth". According to its results will be published a collection "Local study at school". It is also planned to publish a literary and local history almanac "Over Sheksna", which will present new articles about the life and work of the poet.