Internet and Culture: Virtual exhibition "Bogatyr of Russian wood" to the 185th anniversary of Ivan Shishkin at the website of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve
January 25, 2017 marks 185 years since the birth of the famous Russian artist Ivan Shishkin (1832-1898). Born in the small merchant town of Yelabuga, he successfully graduated from the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture and the Imperial Academy of Arts. Ivan Shishkin during the life has become very popular wizard. The extraordinary hard work and love for Mother Nature contributed to the development of his talent.
To the anniversary of the author it is dedicated a virtual exhibition "Bogatyr of Russian wood", posted on the website of the Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve. The exposition of the artist's works in an art gallery is complemented by the temporary exhibition "Unsurpassed master", which features two etchings and a drawing, which have never been exhibited to the public.