Russian language abroad: The XI Professional orientation Olympiad on the Russian language and literature is held in Kazakhstan

2 February 2017

February 1, 2017 at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Astana (Kazakhstan) took place the opening of vocational guidance XI Olympiad in Russian language and literature "And we will preserve you, Russian speech, the great Russian word…". Applications for participation in the competition have been filed by about 300 pupils of 10-11 classes with Russian and Kazakh language. 

Olympiad was organized by the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Astana, the Kazakhstan branch of the Moscow State University and Department of Education of the city of Astana.

XI Career Guidance Olympiad in Russian language and literature is devoted to the 25th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Olympics is traditionally held at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Astana on the eve of International Mother Language Day, which is celebrated by UNESCO annually on 21 February, to promote linguistic and cultural diversity.

Subject of Olympiad tasks in 2017 is associated with anniversaries: the 125th anniversary of the birth of Russian poet, novelist, translator Marina Tsvetaeva and the 125th anniversary of the birth of Russian writer Konstantin Paustovsky.

In the first stage students wrote an essay on Russian literature on one of the proposed comparative themes. In the second stage the boys presented a comparative analysis of literary texts (the task of Russian literature), and in the third stage completed a linguistic analysis of the text (in Russian language reference). 

According to the Olympiad winners and their teachers will be awarded with diplomas and certificates.

In the second day of the Olympic Games (February 2), their knowledge of the Russian language will show the pupils of 10-11 grades with the Kazakh language learning.