Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition dedicated to centenary of revolutionary events of 1917 was opened at the Smolensk Museum-Reserve

14 March 2017

In the Historical Department of the Smolensk State Museum-Reserve took place the opening of the exhibition "Freedom rushed furiously…", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the revolutions of 1917, was held.

The exposition reflects the political events of 1917, which became a turning point in the history of not only Russia, but the whole world. Here are rare books, leaflets of various parties, posters, awards and weapons, photographs, documents; you can also see exclusive exhibits: Smolensk magazine "Our Dawn", the first RSFSR Order "Red Banner", handed by M. N. Tukhachevsky over P. E. Dmitriev, leather jacket of the revolutionary man M. V. Vasiliev, certificate of the first civil marriage in Smolensk, numerous photographs, household items, weapons samples.

Everyone who is interested in national history will be able to get acquainted with unique materials from the collections of the museum-reserve, many of which are exhibited for the first time.

The exhibition will run till the end of 2017.