The Russian language and society: The project "Moscow saying" which presents posters with the rules of the Russian language is launched

6 March 2017

The city authorities offered Muscovites to increase the level of knowledge of the Russian language. Thus it was developed an educational project "Moscow saying". Within its framework is planned to produce special posters that explain the rules of punctuation, declination and setting accents.   

They are going to be hung out in libraries and educational institutions. To date, six different posters are ready for this. From them you can learn how to tend the numerals, in which cases the use of the word "wear" and "put on" and much more. 

As explained in the department of education of the capital if city residents approve of the idea that in the future such posters will appear on the streets and in public transport.

The initiator of this project is the Interdisciplinary Association for the improvement of the capital's education system. The offer was supported by the Russian Academy of Education (RAE). Moscow authorities have assured that the unobtrusive presence of posters with the rules of the Russian language in public places will enhance the literacy of citizens.

A similar project exists in St. Petersburg. The initiator of the project "Let's speak like a St. Petersburg citizens" acted as the head of the RAO, the chairman of the board of trustees of the "Russkiy Mir" Lyudmila Verbitskaya. During the campaign in the streets it have been put posters with practical advice-known scientist-philologist Lyudmila Verbitskaya to improve the culture of speech of citizens and guests of the Northern capital.