History and culture: The Archival Cinema Festival "White Pillars" will feature a series of unknown historical films

28 February 2017

From February 27 to March 4, 2017 is taking place the only in Russia Archival Cinema Festival "White Pillars", which is held annually by one of the largest film archives of the world - the Russian State Film Fund.

Unique archival footage recovered and found quite by accident tapes the student works of famous directors - Archival film festival "White Pillars" in the 21st time in Moscow brought together fans of old film tapes. For six days the show will be shown in more than six dozen of rare paintings. The main theme of film screenings is the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1917, which is celebrated this year. State Film Fund has decided to abandon the canonical set of historical-revolutionary films and clips, instead of traditional paintings by Eisenstein, Romm, etc. to dedicate the program to the theme of the world revolution. 

The annual category "Archival findings" will have unknown works by Isidore Annensky and Sergei Gerasimov, an amateur film of the 1920s. "Rich Yasha", as well as material not included in the popularly favorite comedy by Grigory Alexandrov "Spring" (1947).

Among the restorations, presented at the festival, - a masterpiece by Marlene Hutsiev "It was the month of May" (1970): A new copy made from the original negative, this is a rare opportunity to see one of the best war films on the big screen. It was possible to restore the original turn in two landmark works of Russian pre-revolutionary cinema, melodrama fragment by Eugene Bauer "Life for Life" (1916) and the painting of Boris Sushkevich "Late Flowers" (1916), starring legendary actors of the First studio of the Moscow Art Theatre.