Information technology abroad: In 2018 China will complete the work on a prototype of a supercomputer

22 February 2017
Source: RIA News

The work on the prototype supercomputer of capacity of 1 eksaflops, which are conducted in China, will be completed in early 2018.

The new supercomputer will be named "Tianhe-3" (Tianhe-3). It is expected that the "Tianhe-3" will be displayed at full operating capacity by 2020. The use of "Tianhe-3" is an annual economic benefit of nearly $ 1.5 billion.

In November a Chinese supercomputer Sunway TaihuLight again headed the list of 500 most powerful computers in the world by the TOP500 project. Previously, it was recognized as the most powerful in the world rankings last publication, which was published in June 2016. A speed calculation produced by them is 93 petaflops (10 to 15 degrees of computational floating point operations per second). In second place in the rankings, as in June, it placed another Chinese supercomputer - "Tianhe-2", which computing speed is 33.9 petaflops.

Sunway TaihuLight consists of 10.65 million nuclei that make up almost 41 thousand units. The new Chinese supercomputer is developed by the National Research Center of Parallel Computer Engineering and Technology of China. It is placed supercomputer at the National Center of supercomputers in Wuxi (Jiangsu province). Sunway TaihuLight is equipped with processors ShenWei.