Information technology and science: The Moscow State University is launching an electronic depository of living systems
In early 2017 the Moscow State University named has launched an information system set up in the "Noah's Ark" project. It contains information about samples of biological collections of the University and the project partners. Analogues of this information system which allows to handle information on biological samples of diverse nature, as well as manage the storage of biological material, does not exist in the world. Current version of the system is available to all comers.
Presented in the system data and organisms are actively being used in the work of the scientists participating in the project "Noah's Ark", which is reflected in their published articles.
The information system is designed with the expectation that it could be placed on the data collection not only of the Moscow State University, but other scientific organizations. Thus, for the first time it is created a prototype system that can combine the information field all Russian library collection
Now the system contains 19 collections, inventory process of digitizing and uploading data is continuing. Physically, the collection of MSU Depositary is located in the laboratories, which work with them. If you take the biological faculty, there at least are one hundred collections. Previously, owners of collections knew about each other a little, and, accordingly, could only use the collections of those who worked directly with them. With the introduction of the information system the situation has changed.