To Pushkin's Day of Russia: New exhibitions are opened in the State Pushkin Museum in Moscow
June 6, 2017 marks the 218th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Traditionally, the Pushkin State Museum (Moscow) is preparing a wide thematic program timed to coincide with the celebration of Pushkin's Day of Russia - the Day of the Russian Language.
By this date the museum presents new exhibitions.
The exhibition "Lifetime publications and editions of Alexander Pushkin in the collection of the State Pushkin Museum" presents a unique collection of the museum - almost all the publications and publications that were published during Pushkin's lifetime. Starting with the first book - "Ruslan and Lyudmila" in 1820 and ending with the last - a miniature edition of the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" in 1837. Totally - 40 separate Pushkin publications in 60 copies (including, with valuable ownership signs), published in 1820-1837. Among the most rare and highly valued books - the second edition of the poem "Bakhchisarai Fountain" in 1827 with engravings by S. F. Galaktionov; Separately published chapters of "Eugene Onegin" in printed covers and a brochure "On the Taking of Warsaw. Three poems by V. Zhukovsky and A. Pushkin" in 1831.
The exhibition "Pushkin. 17.37". From the Revolution to the Jubilee" is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Revolution of 1917. In the crucial years of Russia's civil war, emigration, collectivization, NEP, famine, during the years of Stalinist repression and the emergence of a new Russia, the demand for the personality and creativity of the great poet was especially clear. He was necessary for people of different social positions and political convictions.
The exhibition shows a variety of exhibits from the collection of the State Pushkin Museum, representing the poet, his creative heritage in the context of 1917-1937. Its authors tried to comprehend Pushkin's "reflections" in literature, art, culture, in the cultural state policy of this time.
The exhibition "I kiss Masha and laugh in absentia with her plans" is dedicated to the 185th birthday of the senior daughter of the poet Maria Aleksandrovna Hartung (1832-1919). This chamber exhibition from the collection of the State Pushkin Museum is opened in the Pushkin Memorial Apartment on the Arbat Street.