The Russian language and society: Festival "Great Russian word" is held in Crimea

6 June 2017

The festival "Great Russian word" was opened in Simferopol. This year it became the eleventh in a row, and every year a solemn ceremony of laying flowers to the monument to Alexander Pushkin, established in the capital of the Crimean Republic, is taking place. The forum is timed to the Day of the Russian language, which is celebrated on June 6, on the birthday of the great poet. 

Guests and participants of the forum were congratulated by President of Russia Vladimir Putin. His message was given by Valentina Matvienko, who heads the Federation Council.

According to the head of state, this festival entered the calendar of significant events and became an important platform for discussion, which raises urgent issues of preserving and developing the Russian language, as well as strengthening its importance in the integration processes around the world.

It is the Russian language that remains the main link that unites the multinational Russian people and compatriots living in other countries, Vladimir Putin believes.

He expressed deep gratitude to the participants and organizers of the forum who are engaged in popularizing the Russian language and promoting the riches of our culture.

Valentina Matviyenko reminded that almost three hundred million people speak Russian, today it is considered to be one of the most widespread on the Internet. "The popularity, authority and influence of the Russian language is the greatness of our Motherland, the importance of spiritual wealth created by many generations of talented people", added the Federation Council speaker.