Peoples of Russia: The exhibition of traditional costumes of the peoples of Russia was opened in Saint-Petersburg

8 June 2017

The exhibition "Clothes is good in a cage, as well in a strip …" was opened in the Russian Ethnographic Museum (St. Petersburg). The opening of the exhibition of collections of checkered and striped fabrics from the collection of the Russian Ethnographic Museum was timed to coincide with the XXth International Conference "Fashion and Design: Historical Experience - New Technologies", which was held in St. Petersburg from May 30 to June 2, 2017.

And, if the history of the appearance of checkered and striped fabrics in the European fashion has been covered many times, the use of a strip cell in tissues of different peoples of Russia has not yet become the object of special examination and exposure.

The museum's funds hold a half-million collection, characterizing the culture and life of peoples who lived in the XVIII-XX centuries on the territory of the Russian Empire. Therefore, the exhibition presents more than 150 unique exhibits - costumes or their elements from checkered and striped fabrics that have existed in different regions of Russia for three centuries.

The exhibition will run till September 2017.