Society and Culture: The X Saint-Petersburg Forum "Russia’s Abroad" is held in Saint-Petersburg

9 June 2017

From June 8-13, 2017 Saint-Petersburg hosts the Petersburg Forum of Youth Organizations of Russian Compatriots and Foreign Russian-Speaking Media "Russia’s Abroad".

More than 70 compatriots from 43 countries will become participants of this year's jubilee forum.

The participants of the forum have developed a subject educational program, which is divided into several thematic sections. This year the program is represented by the traditional directions "Art Studies" and "Media", as well as the new block - "Economics".

Leaders and members of youth organizations of compatriots, art historians, specialists of museums and libraries, organizers of cultural and educational events abroad aged from 22 to 35 are invited to participate in the section "Art History". In the section "Economics" among the participants there are entrepreneurs from among Russian compatriots, specialists responsible for economic issues in the countries of residence aged 22 to 40 years. Participants of the "Media" section were graduates from the age of 22 to 40 years old who have worked in Russian-language foreign mass media for at least 2 years.