History of Russia: The Novgorod Museum-Reserve is preparing an exhibition dedicated to the anniversary dates of the two oldest monasteries in Novgorod

13 June 2017

The Novgorod Museum-Preserve starts a series of press-releases about the exhibition "From the Monastery of the Earth to the Heavenly Monastery" (to the 900th anniversary of the Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral of the Anthony Monastery and the 825th anniversary of the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Khutyn Monastery).

The first press-show will be held on June 14, 2017 in the Nativity of the Virgin Cathedral of Antoniev Monastery. 

In 2017, the anniversary dates of the two oldest monasteries of Novgorod, Antoniev and Khutynsky, are associated with the erection of the main monastic churches by the efforts of the founders and first abbots of these monasteries - the Monks Antonia of Romans and Varlaam Khutynsky.

For many centuries, Antoniev and Khutynsky monasteries remained the largest spiritual centers of Novgorod, and their founders personified the glory of the Novgorod Church. The centuries-old history of both monasteries has been reflected in a number of written sources, historical and cultural monuments, a significant part of which is in the collection of the Novgorod Museum and will be included in the exhibition.

The initial period of the history of the main monastic churches is represented in museum collections by building and decorative materials (plinths, ceramic vessels), fragments of ancient murals and their copies. The history of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin and the Transfiguration of the Savior was also reflected in a number of works of icon painting, sewing, miniatures. Some of them are supposed to be exhibited, others will be represented by photocopies (miniatures of the Archival Chronicle of the 16th century, details of the icons "The Vision of the Sexton Tarasy" and "The Reverend Varlaam Khutynsky, with Life" of the XVI century). In addition, the exhibition includes archival and modern photographs of Antoniev and Khutyn monasteries and their main cathedrals, the reconstruction of churches for different construction stages. Some of these materials will be included in multimedia content.