The history of Russian navigation: The exhibition "The Sea Symphony of Ivan Aivazovsky" was opened in Saint-Petersburg

19 June 2017

The exhibition "The Sea Symphony of Ivan Aivazovsky" was opened in the Central Naval Museum (St. Petersburg).

At the exhibition dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky, works that introduce the viewer to only a small part of the master's considerable heritage, are presented. However, the works reveal the whole range of creativity, cover the period, beginning with Aivazovsky-academician and ending with the year of his 80th birthday.

The collection of works of fine arts of the Central Naval Museum stores more than 20 paintings by the seascape artist. In the hall there are also canvases of historical and battle genres, about the life and life of seamen in peacetime.

For the first time in Saint-Petersburg, graphic works from the State Museum-Reserve "Peterhof" are presented. Fourteen drawings by I. K. Aivazovsky depicting the port cities of Nikolaev and Sevastopol were executed in 1845-1846. The graphic series preceded the execution of the imperial order received by Aivazovsky to compile the types of the Black Sea ports.