Information technology and culture: Unique photos from the archive of the Bolshoi Theater to be digitized
The management of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia decided to digitize its archive of photographs. In the second phase of the project "Discover the Big History", specialists will scan and publish on the Internet rare photos of the beginning of the XX century, which previously were available only to a narrow circle of art historians and fund custodians.
The first digitized photographs have already appeared in the database of the Bolshoi Theater.
In addition to the pictures, which depict the stars of the Russian ballet on the stage, there are also children's photos of some ballerinas in the archive. So, the children's picture of Margarita Kandaurova, which danced in the Bolshoi Theater from 1912 to 1941, has already been digitized.
Vladimir Urin, director general of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia, admitted that he did not expect such a lively response from fans of ballet and photo art. He noted that the schedule of works is maintained, and the custodians of the archive have already begun to implement the second stage of the large-scale project. In the near future, the database of the Bolshoi Theater will be replenished with new photos.