History and culture: The first birch bark letter, found this year in Veliky Novgorod, dates back to the XIII century

23 June 2017

The Novgorod archaeological expedition resumed research at the Trinity excavation site.

This is the 85th year of the systematic archaeological research of Veliky Novgorod. Works are conducted in cultural stratifications of the turn of the XII-XIII centuries (the XV section) and the first half of the XIV century (the XVI section). Despite the unfavorable weather conditions, in the first days of the opening were made discoveries according to the head of the Center for the organization and provision of archaeological research of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve Olga Tarabardina.

At the Troitsky XV excavation in the layer of the beginning of the XIII century it was found a small fragment of birch bark letter, received the serial number 1090. Soon linguists will try to decipher the text.

And on the Troitsky XVI excavation (which was laid in 2015), the study of the estate of the XIV century continues. Here are traces of jewelry production, as evidenced by the fragments of crucibles for melting down precious metals.