Museums of the World: A Bible Museum is being created in Washington

26 June 2017

The museum, being built in the US capital, plans to assemble the Bibles, published in more than 2 thousand languages. This was reported by the press service of the Washington-based Museum of the Bible.

By now, the Bibles have been collected in more than 600 languages ​​and dialects. Missing exhibits the administration of the museum plans to receive from abroad. The fragments of the famous Qumran manuscripts or scrolls of the Dead Sea, an English manuscript prayer book of the XIV century and a Jewish prayer book of the IX century found in Egypt are expected. The exhibition also plans to introduce the Bible, walked on the moon in 1971, during the flight of the American "Apollo 14" spacecraft, as well as the Bible, which belonged to "The King of Rock and Roll" Elvis Presley.