Information technology and museums: The written sources of the Polytechnic Museum

28 June 2017

ELAR Corporation has scanned for the Polytechnic Museum items of storage of documentary and printed funds.

According to the head of the Foundation for Written Sources of the Polytechnic Museum Kira Grabarskaya, first of all, the digitization was conducted to transfer information about all museum items to the State Catalog of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation. "In addition, within the framework of this large-scale task, the Polytechnic Museum also solved other tasks, namely: to carry out the full digitization of the most valuable and most popular documents. The presence of electronic images allows, first, to ensure the preservation of the original, because if there is a scan, the archive document itself is practically never issued, accordingly, it does not wear out physically and remains in its storage location. Secondly, access to the archival document and to documentary information is expanding: the researcher does not need to come from another city or country, or to go from the other end of Moscow to see, to read the documents he needs,", - said Kira Grabarskaya.  

Digital copies are also necessary for the museum to be taken into account: images are attached to the object card in the museum accounting system. As for the activity on presentation of collections, electronic copies of the scanned documents will be used in expositions, Internet projects, virtual exhibitions; in all possible publications for scientific, cultural, educational purposes, etc.

Among the digitized sources there are personal funds of scientists and technicians, meetings on the history of science and technology. In addition to books and documents it was canned the visual material, in particular photos dated 19-20 centuries.