State and society: The plan of the implementation of the strategy for scientific and technological development of Russia for 2017-2019 approved

4 July 2017

On July 3, 2017, the decree of the Russian Government dated June 24, 2017 №1325-r was officially published, approving the plan of measures for the implementation of the Strategy of scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation for 2017-2019.

The strategy is aimed at the formation of a modern management system in the field of science, technology and innovation, ensuring the innovative attractiveness of research and development.

The signed decree approved the implementation plan for the Strategy for 2017-2019, which includes a set of regulatory and organizational measures.

The plan, in particular, envisages the development and approval of the state program "Scientific and technological development of the Russian Federation", which includes a program of fundamental research and integrated scientific and technological programs in priority areas defined by the Strategy.

The plan also provides for the creation of opportunities for the successful implementation of the creative potential of young people in the field of science and innovation, including within the framework of international scientific and technical cooperation.

Responsible executors of the Plan are federal executive bodies, state corporations, development institutions, research, scientific, technical and innovation support funds, the Russian Academy of Sciences, executive bodies of the subjects of the Federation.