Memorable dates of Russia: The National Library of Russia hosts exhibitions timed to the 140th anniversary of the writer Alexei Remizov

6 July 2017

July 6, 2017 in the Department of Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) will be held the opening of two exhibitions timed to the 140th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian writer Alexei Mikhailovich Remizov - "The Living Treasure of the Russian Soul and Speech…" and "Vera Vladimirovna Pavlova - Illustrator of fairy tales by A. M. Remizov".

Creativity of Remizov distinguishes bright, imaginative vision of the world, the thinnest sense of the word, rich imagination, strong and colorful language.

For the first time the Department of Manuscripts presents unique archival documents of the writer - drafts of works, proofs of the author's editing, cartooned portraits of his contemporaries.  

Among the exhibits there are rare albums of Alexei Remizov "Flower Garden" and "My Flower Garden. II", containing drawings, poems, fragmentary entries of artists and writers of the early XX century.  

The exhibition presents a significant part of the extensive correspondence of the writer - Remizov's letters to prominent figures of the national culture of the Silver Age and numerous letters to him. Konstantin Balmont, Andrei Bely, Alexander Blok, Maximilian Voloshin, Zinaida Gippius, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Fedor Sologub, Konstantin Somov, Kornei Chukovsky, Lev Shestov and others are among correspondents of the writer. 

In addition to the manuscripts and drawings by Remizov, the first editions of his works, as well as books written and published in exile, are presented.  

Wide popularity to Alexey Remizov his tales and legends brought, but to convey through the illustrations the author's meaning of Remizov's fairy tales for many years failed to any artist. Vera Vladimirovna Pavlova (1952-2015) was the first to create amazing illustrations in which the artist's world turned out to be "in harmony with the writer's world".

At the second exhibition "Vera Vladimirovna Pavlova - illustrator of fairy tales by A. M. Remizov" you can see the originals and copies of Pavlova's drawings made to the tales of Remizov "Posolon" and "Kostroma".

The exposition will run till September 1.