Peoples of the World: Exhibition "Art of Central Asia" in Tula

5 July 2017

The exhibition "Art of Central Asia" was opened in the Tula Regional Art Museum.

This is another exhibition of the museum's funds, part of the cycle dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the formation of the USSR. The exposition includes works by artists from the former socialist republics - Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. Among the authors there are leading masters, classics of national pictorial schools.

Received professional education in the USSR, they have preserved the national identity and traditions of their people. In the paintings, presented at the exhibition, the picturesque appearance of the inhabitants of distant places, the originality of the Central Asian nature, the realities of the socialist period in the life of the republics are imprinted. The works of sculpture and ceramics complement the image of the exotic East.