Society and Book Culture: The exhibition of West European Engraving of the XVI-XVIII centuries "Images of the Eternal Book" in Ryazan
The I. P. Pozhalostin Ryazan Art Museum until August 15, 2017 hosts the exhibition "Images of the Eternal Book", which presents a West European engraving of the XVI-XVIII centuries from the collection of V.G. Belikov (Moscow).
The exhibition features 57 rare engravings from the collection of the famous Moscow collector. Vladimir Gurievich Belikov (born 1943) - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Academician, Director of the aircraft building holding. His amateur hobbies include bibliophilia, collecting easel and book graphics.
More than 30 years V. G. Belikov collects his collection. From samples from the publications of the Petrine era and the golden age of French illustrations (XVIII century) to modern works, sources of replenishment were purchases abroad, gifts of familiar artists. Now the collection contains more than 15 thousand works of printed and original graphics, the earliest of which date back to the XV century. Since 1988, more than 300 exhibitions from the collection of V.G. Belikov were held in our country and abroad.
The exhibition gives an opportunity on the example of one great theme - the Bible - to touch the amazing world of engraving. It acquaints the viewer with the artists who are classics of different countries and epochs, allows us to trace the mutual influences of individual schools and directions, to compare the interpretation of biblical images and stories by different masters, to unravel the plans of the graphics and to admire their virtuosic technique and delicate mastery.