Museums of Russia: The Museum of the History of Saint-Petersburg presented the exhibition "Finds of the Ancient Fortress" in the Fortress of Oreshek
The Museum of the History of Saint-Petersburg opened the exhibition "Finds of the Ancient Fortress" in the Fortress of Oreshek (Shlisselburg). Here are the items found by museum staff on the territory of the Orekhovy Island during the last decade.
Large archaeological excavations on the territory of Oreshek Fortress were conducted in the 60s - 70s of the last century. The result of this work was a rich collection of artifacts from the XIV to the early XX century and an uncovered fragment of the first stone fortress of 1352.
However, not everything was found by archaeologists. The land of the ancient Oreshek has gradually revealed its secrets and still "gives away" objects that have been hidden in its depths for centuries. The exhibition shows the most interesting finds - cores, buckshot, fragments of mortar bombs, parts of Dutch white-wine smoking pipes, pharmaceutical bottles, fragments of ceramic tiles, buttons, household items (for example, sugar nippers), ornaments. All these items are dated XVI - XIX centuries.
A separate complex consists of items related to the period of the Great Patriotic War: helmets, shell cases, remnants of shells.