The history of science: Multimedia exhibition "Nikola Tesla - the man who illuminated the world" in Saint-Petersburg

6 August 2017

In the Exhibition hall "Potherna and casemate of the Sovereign of the Bastion" of the Peter and Paul Fortress (Saint-Petersburg), until September 10, 2017, an exhibition "Nikola Tesla - the man who lit up the world" is taking place.

The multimedia exhibition, created with the assistance of the Nikola Tesla Technical Museum and the Museum of Croatian History are dedicated to the ingenious inventor, born in Croatia - Nikola Tesla.

The exposition tells about the life of Tesla, which began in the Croatian Smilyan and ended in the US, about its research in the field of energy transfer, electromagnetic radiation, as well as its world-famous inventions and patents that changed the world and now form the basis of the latest technologies.

Quotations from the autobiographical book "My inventions" will allow visitors to learn about the most important moments of life and activity of the inventor, about his singularity, versatility, eccentricity, and also awareness of his own mission.

First of all, the exhibition has an educational character and presents the current devices of inventions by Tesla - transformer and Columbus egg.