Museums and Society: Archive of the Romanovs has enriched the collection of the "Tsarskoye Selo" State Museum-Preserve
The Tsarskoye Selo State Museum-Preserve became the owner of the Romanov Archive. This is the largest whole collection of documents and photographs associated with the crowned dynasty, which has enriched the museum's funds for almost a hundred years of its existence. It covers the period from the mid-1860s to 1928.
The acquisition of the archive was made possible thanks to financial assistance from Sberbank of Russia. For the allocated money it was possible to redeem the documents in a private collection in London. From a historical, memorial point of view, the archive is priceless.
Return to museum space to Russia of this important historical evidence is of particular importance in the run-up to the sorrowful date - July 17, 2018 marks 100 years since the death of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II and his family.
The archive of the Romanovs found more than 200 units: letters, photographs, and drawings telegrams associated with several representatives of the Romanovs: Emperor Alexander III, Empress Maria Feodorovna, Grand Princess Xenia Aleksandrovna, Grand Duke Mikhail Aleksandrovich, Emperor Nicholas II and Empress Alexandra. Huge interest presents the letter of the famous historian - Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich to Prince George Dmitrievich Shervashidze written in 1917-1918. Letters British dowager Queen Alexandra to Grand Duchess Xenia and photos with Christmas wishes in 1928 by British King George V demonstrate warm regard of the king and queen to Xenia.
In addition to the fact that the collection of documents has a great historical value, it is also interesting from an artistic point of view. Many letters have exquisite monograms of members of the imperial family. The archive includes 20 photos of members of the Romanov Dynasty, including portraits of the Empress Maria Feodorovna, Emperors Alexander III and Nicholas II, Grand Duchess Xenia Alexandrovna. Archives of the Romanovs are of great interest for research work. It will be kept in the museum's funds. The museum plans to actively involve documents and photographs in the exhibition and publishing activities.