International events: The exhibition "Norway and Russia: the power of attraction - the Arctic" was opened in Saint-Petersburg

8 August 2017

The exhibition "Norway and Russia: the power of attraction - the Arctic" is held until September 12, 2017 in the exhibition hall of the icebreaker "Krasin" (Saint-Petersburg).

The exhibition is devoted to the history of studying and developing the Arctic. The development of the Arctic is an example of the partnership between Norway and Russia, which has lasted for centuries. The exhibition tells about the origins of this partnership, about the fate of brave explorers, about beautiful ships. It visited various places in the North-West of Russia, and now it will be on display aboard the legendary ice-breaker Krasin. Many of the stories presented at the exhibition are directly or indirectly related to the history of the “Krasin” icebreaker.

The exhibition was created with the participation of the Museum "Fram" (Norway), the Russian Geographical Society and the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway in Saint-Petersburg.