Memory of the World: Exhibition "From the Borodino Field to the Champs Elysees", timed to the 205th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino, in Moscow
August 24, 2017 in the White Hall of the M. I. Rudomino Library for Foreign Literature (Moscow) is opening the exhibition "From the Borodino Field to the Champs Elysees", dedicated to the glorious pages of the history of Russia - the Patriotic War of 1812 and the overseas (Liberation) campaigns of the Russian Army in 1813-1814. The exhibition is timed to the 205th anniversary of the battle of Borodino.
The exposition includes picturesque and graphic depictions of the events of 1812-1814, made by their participants and contemporary authors. The composition of the armies is represented by the drawings of O.K. Parkhayev and the military art toy of P. F. Kosmolinsky, the genuine items of uniforms and outfits of the opposing armies. Of particular interest there are the archaeological finds made on the Borodino field - bullets, grapeshot, grenade fragments, kernels, horseshoes, jacket buttons and details of cold and firearms. The attention is also attracted by portraits of Russian generals - heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, executed by graphic artist Y. V. Ivanov.