Society and Culture: The Novgorod Museum-Reserve will show the musical history of the Bolshoi Theater

8 October 2017

Since October 6, 2017 in the exhibition halls of the Museum of Fine Arts of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve an exhibition "Music History. The Bolshoi Theatre" is presented.

The exhibition is provided by the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia and the Museum of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia. The exhibition features 70 original exhibits from the funds of the Bolshoi Theater Museum: sketches of scenery and costumes for performances by Konstantin Korovin, Fedor Fedorovsky, Ilya Glazunov, Valery Levental, Boris Messerer and others; elements of props and more than 30 photos of scenes from performances of different years and posters. The exhibition is accompanied by a video showing of the Bolshoi Theater performances.