President of Russia: Presentation of the 2017 Presidential Prizes in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists and Meeting of the Council for Science and Education

8 February 2018

During his visit to Novosibirsk, Vladimir Putin presented Presidential Prizes in Science and Innovation for Young Scientists.

The 2017 Presidential prizes have been awarded to:

- Nikita Bashnin, Candidate of Science (History), research fellow at the Scientific and Historical Archive of the St Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

- Konstantin Kokh, Candidate of Science (Geology and Mineralogy), senior research fellow at the crystal growth laboratory of the Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

- Maxim Nikitin, Candidate of Science (Physics and Mathematics), head of nanobiotechnology laboratory at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

The prize, established back in 2008, is awarded to young scientists and specialists for their considerable contribution to advancing national sciences, developing new equipment and technology that provide innovative advancement of the national economy and social sphere, as well as the strengthening of the country's defence capability. The aim of presenting such a prize is to promote further research and create favourable conditions for new scientific discoveries.

Vladimir Putin said: “First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone here on Russian Science Day…

Young people’s energy and courage always open new horizons. Such qualities as scientific daring and bravery are especially important. Today’s winners have proven this with their talent and the results of their hard work.

We are presenting the Presidential Prizes for Young Scientists for the tenth time. Let me stress that the competitiveness of the projects presented is always high and is constantly growing.

Humanities are also developing at a new level. Young scientists are meeting with success in physics and mathematics and achieving real breakthroughs in cross-disciplinary areas combining the study of chemistry, biology and medicine.

…Russia is certainly open to sharing knowledge and experience, and to joint scientific research. We need to preserve our talents and give them the opportunity to fulfil themselves. At the same time, this country should be the lodestone for creative, gifted people from all over the world. We will work on this in the very near future. We will create here better conditions for research and a modern, reliable, good infrastructure, convenient for living and working.”

Then the President held a meeting of the Council for Science and Education in Novosibirsk.

The agenda focused on the sector’s main tasks and prospects, as well as the key areas of international research and technical cooperation.

Vladimir Putin said: “I propose that today we discuss further measures to strengthen Russia’s research potential. This issue is really of crucial, vital significance for the country’s future.

Dramatic technological change is underway in the world. In terms of scale, it is comparable to the periods of industrial revolutions and scientific discoveries that have changed people’s lives drastically.

It is clear that leadership will now go to those who have their own technology, knowledge and competencies. They are becoming the main development resource that is literally an earnest of national security.

We must achieve a breakthrough in science, as well as in all other areas. We must stop supporting, once and for all, ineffective, obsolete and outdated approaches to organising research. Of course, the country is also waiting for new scientific solutions that will change the quality of people’s lives and boost Russia’s development.