Memory of Russia: The exhibition "Home of the Gentry", dedicated to the manors of the times of I. S. Turgenev, was opened in Moscow
Memory of Russia: The exhibition "Home of the Gentry", dedicated to the manors of the times of I. S. Turgenev, was opened in Moscow
3 April 2018
The exhibition-contest of members of the Creative Union of Professional Artists "Home of the Gentry" was opened in Moscow.
The exhibition, reflecting the life of noblemen and peasants of the Turgenev times, is held on April 14 in the Library-reading room named after the great Russian writer. The exhibition reflects not only contemporary artists, but also masters of arts and crafts about the time and life of noble and peasant houses, people and their occupations, about Ivan Sergeevich himself and his family. The program includes the presentation of Tatyana Malusova's album "Home of the Gentry of Moscow".