Birthday anniversary of Nikolai Sergeevich Bobrishchev-Pushkin (1800-1871), the lieutenant of the Quartermaster Company and Decembrist exiled in Tobolsk

2 September 1800

Nikolai Sergeevich Bobrischev-Pushkin was born on August 21 (September 2), 1800, in Moscow. His father was Sergei Pavlovich Bobrischev-Pushkin, esquire, who owned lands in Tula Province. In youth, Nikolai Bobrishchev-Pushkin wrote verses. His poems were published in the magazine Syn Otechestva (Son of the Fatherland). He was brought up by a resident tutor Oblinger, a native of Alsace. Then he taught at the Moscow University Pension and at the Moscow Junker School, which he graduated in March 1819. Later, he became a warrant officer of the 2nd Army Headquarter.

In April 1820, the 2nd Army Headquarter sent him to make a topographic survey of Podolsk Province. On July 10 (22), 1822, he was awarded the Order of St. Anne (IV degree) for the works about the topographic activity in Podolsk Province. In November 1822, he was promoted to lieutenant for excellent service.

Since 1820, Nikolai Bobrischev-Pushkin was a member of the secret organizations Union of Prosperity and Southern Society. After the arrest of Pavel Ivanovich Pestel, he took an active part in the concealment of Pestel's papers. Decembrist Alexei Petrovich Yushnevsky insisted on the elimination of Russkaya Pravda (Russian Truth) - a political program of Decembrists. Nikolai Bobrishchev-Pushkin and his brother Pavel decided that there was no extreme danger, and buried Pestel's papers.

On January 8 (20), 1826, Nikolai Bobrishchev-Pushkin was arrested in Tulchin and taken to the Main Detention Quarters in Saint-Petersburg. He was convicted according to the VIII category and sentenced to exile "forever". Later, the length of punishment was reduced to 20 years.

In August 1826, Nikolai Bobrishchev-Pushkin was banished to a settlement in Srednekolymsk, Yakutsk Region, from where he tried to escape. On March 23 (April 4), 1827, he moved to Turukhansk. In 1827, at his request and with the highest permission, he entered the Trinity Monastery near Turukhansk. In 1828, by order of the Synod, he enrolled in the Spassky Monastery (Monastery of the Saviour) in Yeniseysk.

In September 1831, after a medical examination, Nikolai Bobrischev-Pushkin was moved from the monastery to the lunatic asylum in Krasnoyarsk. In 1833, his brother Pavel arrived in Krasnoyarsk for settlement. The authorities allowed him to keep the patient in a private apartment.

In 1839, both brothers were sent to Tobolsk, where they arrived in February 1840. Nikolai Bobrishchev-Pushkin was placed in the lunatic asylum.

On January 11 (23), 1856, both brothers were allowed to return to Tula Province after repeated petitions from their father, and sister, Maria Sergeevna Bobrishcheva-Pushkina. On March 31 (April 12), 1856, they arrived at the sister's estate in the village of Pokrovskoye-Korostino in Aleksin District of Tula Province.

Nikolai Bobrischev-Pushkin died on May 13 (25), 1871, in Pokrovskoye -Korostino. His grave has not survived to this day.

Lit.: Бирюков А. А. Бобрищев Пушкин Николай Сергеевич // Большая Тюменская энциклопедия. Т. 1. А–З. Тюмень, 2004 (с. 168); Васильев А. И. Возвращение памяти. Декабристы в Тобольской губернии // Сибирское богатство. 2004. № 4. С. 68–72; Декабристы: биографический справочник. М., 1988 (с. 24–25); Рощевский П. «Люди нравственные, бескорыстные и преданные отечеству». Тобольское содружество // Лик. 2013. № 5. С. 53–60; Тобольский биографический словарь / сост.: В. Ю. Софронов, Ю. П. Прибыльский. Екатеринбург, 2004 (с. 64–65); Исторический Вестник: ежемесячный историко-литературный журнал. Год тридцать первый: Декабрь. СПб., 1910 (из содерж.: Соломин С. Безумный декабрист: памяти Н. С. Бобрищева-Пушкина); Исторический Вестник: ежемесячный историко-литературный журнал. Год семнадцатый: Август. СПб., 1896 (из содерж.: Львов А. Н. Государственный преступник Н. Бобрищев-Пушкин в монастырях Западной Сибири); Шипилова Л. Где упокоился Николай Бобрищев-Пушкин? // Явлутургородок: историко-краеведческий альманах. Ялуторовск, 2012. Вып. 7 (с. 46–48); Шулинин Ю. А. От Ермака до Оленберга: хроника стольного града. Тюмень, 2010 (с. 270).

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Дмитриев-Мамонов А. И. Декабристы в Западной Сибири: очерк по официальным документам. М., 1895

Дмитриев-Мамонов А. И. Декабристы в Западной Сибири: исторический очерк по официальным документам. СПб., 1905

Копотилов М. П. Декабристы в Тобольском крае: 1825-1925. Тобольск, 1925

Смирнов В. А. Декабристы в Красноярске // Сибирские огни: художественно-литературный и научно-публицистический журнал. Г. 4. 1925. № 3 (июнь/июль). С. 149–162