Recognition of the Trinity Monastery's territory as an architectural and historical reserve

21 February 1946

The Tyumen Transfiguration Monastery (present Trinity Monastery) was founded in 1616.

By 1624, the Transfiguration Monastery obtained several buildings: cells for the prior and the builder, six cells for monks, a wooden tent-roofed Transfiguration Church. By 1680, the monastery's area and household increased significantly.

The name of the "Apostle of Siberia" - St. Philotheus, Metropolitan of Tobolsk and All Siberia, wonder-worker, is inextricably associated with the Tyumen Monastery. He spent most of his life there.

The monastery's gem was the two-storied and five-domed Trinity Cathedral, consecrated on June 16, 1715. The temple's interior was decorated with magnificent iconostasis. In 1717, there was erected a two-domed Church of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste north of the Trinity Cathedral. Later, this church acquired a single storey building for the kitchen and cells.

In 1721, the construction of a stone monastery’s wall began. In 1723, when the tsarist decree hired most of the masons to the Ural factories, construction was postponed. It was renewed only in 1733. By 1739, the wall was completed. In the same year, the prior's chamber was erected 77 meters from the Trinity Cathedral. It was the first stone lodging in Tyumen.

In 1842, there was a big fire in Tyumen. Only stone walls remained from the Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul, erected in 1755. Archimandrite Vladimir, the prior of the monastery, inquired about donations from patrons to make major repairs of the Peter and Paul Churchand also the Trinity Cathedral.

The 300th anniversary of the establishment of the Trinity Monastery coincided with the First World War. The Trinity Monastery sheltered wounded soldiers within its walls.

On August 11, 1923, the Trinity Monastery was closed. The Church Council was arrested. In 1924, the monastery buildings, as architectural monuments, were subordinated to the Main Directorate of Scientific, Art and Museum Institutions (Glavnauka). They housed the Museum of Atheism.

In 1941, the Trinity Monastery became a part of a communal-operational unit of the Tyumen military garrison.

In 1946, it was decided to place the clearing cisterns on the monastery's territory. The builders demolished two XVIII century churches: Temple of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste (former Zosima and Savvaty Church) and Chapel of Bogolubskaya Icon of the Theotokos (the house church of Metropolitan Philotheus). However, in January of the same year, the Regional Council decided to preserve the monuments of Old Russian architecture of the former Trinity Monastery. On February 21, 1946, the entire territory of the Trinity Monastery became an architectural and historical reserve. In 1947, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR issued a resolution "On the monuments' protection", which listed the Tyumen Trinity Monastery among other objects. By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR of August 30, 1960, No. 1327 "On further improvement of the protection of cultural monuments in the RSFS '' the monastery was an architectural monument of republican significance. Since April, it has been operated by the Regional Department of Culture.

On June 22, 1994, Alexy II, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', visited the Trinity Monastery. On February 22, 1995, the Holy Synod decided to revive the Tyumen Trinity Monastery. In the same year, the monastery became a cultural heritage of federal significance.

On December 10, 1996, the Trinity Monastery entered the Tobolsk and Tyumen Eparchy. On June 20, 1998, the restored bell tower of the Church of Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross received a new dome with a cross. On July 30, 2000, Dimitri, Archbishop of Tobolsk and Tyumen, consecrated the new Monks' Corps of the monastery. On August 28, 2001, the Assumption Chapel of the Trinity Cathedral hosted the first Divine Liturgy after the monastery's closure in 1923.

In 2006, the holy relics of St. Philotheus, Metropolitan of Tobolsk and All Siberia, were found during the renovation of the Ascension (St. George) Church. They were solemnly brought to the Trinity Monastery.

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From the Presidential library materials:

Абрамов Н. А. Тюменский Троицкий монастырь. Тюмень, 1902

Безбородова Ю. В. Приходно-расходные книги Свято-Троицкого мужского монастыря (к. XVIII–н. XIX вв.) как лингвистический источник : автореф. дис. … канд. филол. наук. Тюмень, 2005

Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich. Mogila Mitropolita Felofeia v soborie Troitskago monastyria v Tiumeni [graphic]. 1912

Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich. Troitskii muzhskoi monastyr' v g. Tiumeni [graphic]. 1912.

Prokudin-Gorskii, Sergei Mikhailovich. Rieka Tura v g. Tiumeni. Na pravoi storone Troitsii muzhskoi monastyr' (s vostoka) [graphic]. 1912.