Birthday anniversary of Alexander Kokorinov (1726-1772), the famous Russian architect, Rector of the Imperial Academy of Arts
Alexander Kokorinov was born on June 29 (July 10), 1726, in Tobolsk. His father Philip Kokorinov was the Head of the Tobolsk Schismatic Commission.
At the end of 1740, the exiled architect Ivan Blank arrived in Tobolsk with his son Karl, the same age as Alexander Kokorinov. Karl's father taught his son the fundamental principles of architecture every day. Curious Alexander also became interested in these exercises. Ivan Blank suggested to Philip Kokorinov a small fee for teaching his son; this proposal was accepted.
After the death of Empress Anna Ioannovna in 1740, Ivan Blank and his family were allowed to return to Moscow. Alexander Kokorinov joined them and continued his architectural education.
In 1745, Ivan Blank died, and Alexander Kokorinov began to study at the architectural school of Dmitry Ukhtomsky. Then he became a student of the architect Ivan Korobov, who taught him for a year and a half and formed the basis of Kokorinov's creative mind.
At this time, Alexander Kokorinov studied the masterpieces by the ancient Roman scientist and architect Vitruvius, Italian architects of the XVI century Vignola and Serlio. He also participated in the design and building of various structures, supervised the construction process and gave a good account of himself.
In August 1749, Alexander Kokorinov received the title of geselle ("apprentice"). It gave him the right to independently develop projects and execute private orders. During this period, he reconstructed the walls and towers of Moscow fortifications and received multiple orders from important persons. The President of the Academy of Sciences and the Hetman of Ukraine Kirill Razumovsky ordered him to recover his Petrovskoe estate near Moscow.
In March 1752, Alexander Kokorinov became a lieutenant. The officer's rank gave the rights of the personal nobility. In Russia of that time, it meant the gaining of greater legal independence, compared to other estates. On April 30, 1753, the Moscow Provincial Chancellery entrusted him with the architectural inspection of city buildings.
In 1754, Alexander Kokorinov moved to Saint-Petersburg, where he studied both architecture and applied art. In the same year, he was promoted to a junior architect. He participated in the final stage of the construction of the splendid house of Count Ivan Shuvalov. In the summer of 1760, the Count instructed Alexander Kokorinov and Vallin de la Mothe to jointly develop a new project for the Bolshoi Gostiny Dvor on Nevsky Prospect. Together, they quickly completed the order. They proposed a plan of the Gostiny Dvor that corresponded to the principle of "noble purity". It united plain lines and refined beauty, the rhythm of repeating two-story arcades that corresponded to the practical purpose of the building.
Another joint work of the two architects was the reconstruction of the Razumovsky Palace on the Moika. Alexander Kokorinov made significant changes to the plan and turned the various buildings - a three-storey main house and two-storey buildings - into an original harmonious ensemble. He supervised the initial phase of construction, and Vallin de la Mothe conducted its fulfilment and interior work.
In November 1757, the Senate issued a decree establishing the Academy of Arts in Saint-Petersburg. Its curator was Ivan Shuvalov, who engaged Alexander Kokorinov to teach architecture. In 1761, A. Alexander Kokorinov was promoted to the Academy's Director, in 1765 - a Professor, and in 1769 he was appointed Rector of this institution.
The Imperial Academy of Arts was originally located in the Shuvalov mansion on Malaya Sadovaya Street. In 1764, Alexander Kokorinov, along with Vallin de la Mothe, participated in the development of the new building of the Academy in classic style. The groundbreaking ceremony took place on July 7, 1764, on the anniversary of Catherine II’s accession.
Alexander Kokorinov died on March 21, 1772, in Saint-Petersburg. He was buried at the Sampsonievskoye cemetery. The majestic building of the Academy of Arts of great architectural, cultural and historical significance is the best monument to Alexander Kokorinov's brilliant talent, his love for art and care for the future.
Lit.: 20 имен тобольской истории: [сборник биографической информации]. Тобольск, 2014; В помощь краеведу: материалы к календарю знаменательных и памятных дат Тюменской области на 2014 год / Тюменская областная научная библиотека имени Д. И. Менделеева. Тюмень, 2013; Крашенинников А. Ф. Архитектор Александр Кокоринов. М., 2008; Почежерцева М.В. Кокоринов Александр Филиппович // Большая Тюменская энциклопедия. Т. 2. И-П. Тюмень, 2004; Солодова Т.И. Истинной жизни нет без искусства // Это нужно живым!: тобольские юбиляры 2012-го года: [448 Тобольских юбиляров 2012 года]. Тобольск, 2012; Солодова Т.И. В назидание потомству. 22 российских деятеля, памятных для Сибири: [биографический сборник]. Тюмень, 2018; Сухорукова Н. Первый президент Российской Академии Художеств Александр Кокоринов // Тобольск и вся Сибирь: альманах. Тобольск, 2012. № 18: 425 лет Тобольску (с. 282–285).
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials: