Birthday anniversary of the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky

11 November 1821

Fyodor Dostoevsky was born on October 30 (November 11), 1821, in the family of Mikhail Dostoevsky, a doctor at the Moscow Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. The mother of the future writer, Maria Nechaeva was from a merchant family.

From 1833, Fyodor Dostoevsky, together with his brother Mikhail, studied at the boarding school of Nikolai Drachusov. In September 1834, they entered the Leonty Chermak boarding school. In 1837, after the death of his mother, the father took Mikhail and Fyodor to St. Petersburg to continue their education. In 1838, Fyodor Dostoevsky entered the Nikolayev Military Engineering Institute in St. Petersburg, from which he graduated in 1843 and joined the St. Petersburg Engineering Organisation.

In 1844, he retired to study literature. Fyodor Dostoevsky published his first work, the story Poor Folk, two years later, in 1846. The work was enthusiastically received by the critic Vissarion Belinsky. In 1847-1849, Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote the stories The Landlady, A Weak Heart, White Nights and Netochka Nezvanova. During these years, he became close to the circle of the Beketov brothers, which discussed social problems.

In early 1847, Fyodor Dostoevsky began to attend other meetings: "Fridays" by Mikhail Petrashevsky and the circle of the poet Sergei Durov. During the meetings, the participants read articles by Alexander Herzen, French socialists and discussed the problems of the peasants' liberation, judicial reform and censorship. In 1848, Fyodor Dostoevsky became a member of a secret society, organized by Nikolai Speshnev, the most radical follower of Petrashevsky.

Soon after the publication of the story White Nights in the early morning of April 23 (May 5) 1849, Fyodor Dostoevsky, along with other members of the Petrashevsky Circle, was arrested and imprisoned for 8 months in the Peter and Paul Fortress. In November 1849, a military court sentenced the writer to deprivation of all rights and execution, replaced already on the scaffold by four years of hard labour, followed by military service as a soldier.

From January 9 to 20 (January 21 - February 1), 1850, on the way to the place of hard labour, Fyodor Dostoevsky was held at the Tobolsk transit prison. During his short stay in Tobolsk, the wives of the exiled Decembrists Zh. A. Muravyov, P. Ye. Annenkov and N. D. Fonvizin arranged a meeting between the writer and other convoyed members of the Petrashevsky Circle. He spent the next four years in hard labour in Omsk.

At the end of February 1854, Fyodor Dostoevsky was sent as a soldier to the 7th Siberian Infantry Battalion in Semipalatinsk. In 1855 he was promoted to a junior officer, in 1856 - to a warrant officer. In 1857, Fyodor Dostoevsky returned the nobility and the right to issue his works.

In 1859, Fyodor Dostoevsky retired and received permission to live in Tver. Returning from servitude, he spent a short time in Tyumen. Walking around the city, he later wrote: "Tyumen is a magnificent city, commercial, industrial, crowded, comfortable - whatever you want! <…> I walked along and across the city and was convinced with pleasure that Tyumen was much superior to both Omsk and Semipalatinsk".

At the end of 1859, the writer moved to St. Petersburg and, together with his brother Mikhail, began to publish the magazines Time and Epoch. After the death of his wife in 1864 and the death of his brother, Fyodor Dostoevsky took the depth responsibility for publishing the Epoch magazine but soon closed it due to a decrease in subscriptions. After travelling abroad, the writer spent the summer of 1866 in Moscow and at his country house near Moscow. During this time, he worked on the novel Crime and Punishment. In 1867-1868. Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote the novel The Idiot, in 1871-1872 - Demons, in 1875 - The Adolescent, in 1879-1880 - The Brothers Karamazov.

Fyodor Dostoevsky died on January 28 (February 9) 1881, in St. Petersburg at the age of 60. He was buried at the Tikhvin Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Lit.: В помощь краеведу: материалы к календарю знаменательных и памятных дат Тюменской области на 2014 год. Тюмень, 2013; Гордость Сибири: [сборник биографической информации / "Регион-Тюмень", телерадиокомпания; автор идеи А. Омельчук]. Тюмень, 2014; Захаров В. Достоевский в Тобольске // Тобольск и вся Сибирь: альманах. Тобольск, 2012. № 18: 425 лет Тобольску. С. 67–85; Лебедева Н. И. Города Азиатской России во время пребывания в них Ф. М. Достоевского: Тобольск и Омск // Культурологические исследования в Сибири. 2002. № 2 (8). С. 45–53; Омельчук А. К. Евангелие от Достоевского // Сибирская книга. Тюмень, 2010. С. 232­236; Перминов Ю. Кандалы и книга // Тобольск и вся Сибирь: альманах. Тобольск, 2012. № 18: 425 лет Тобольску. С. 131–134.

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821–1881): [digital collection]