The first issue of the journal Tobolsk Diocesan Vedomosti published

13 January 1882

The first issue of the Tobolsk Diocesan Vedomosti was published (1882–1919) on January 1 (13), 1882. The main directions of the publication were the religious life of Tobolsk province, education and Orthodox news. The pages of the magazine illustrated imperial manifestos, the highest orders for the ecclesiastical department, decrees and decisions of the Holy Synod, the Tobolsk spiritual consistory, diocesan news. Historical descriptions of monasteries, temples, villages, annals of parishes, biographies of prominent church figures, the results of historical, archaeological and ethnographic research in the province were also given here.

Permission to publish the journal was given by the Holy Synod on July 29 (August 10), 1881. Archpriest Pyotr Golovin, rector of the Tobolsk Theological Seminary, became the editor. He considered the work on the journal to be an important educational and scientific undertaking. The structure of the Tobolsk Diocesan Vedomosti was similar to that of secular Vedomosti: an official and an unofficial department, the frequency was twice a month. Annual edition with delivery cost 5 rubles. The first issue came out on January 1 (13), 1882. The unofficial section included the word Editorial Note, which indicated that the Tobolsk clergy had been waiting for this publication for a long time. The editors saw their task in “serving the local clergy in their striving for self-development and improvement, to improve their life and situation by familiarizing themselves with what has long been accepted and implemented in other dioceses...”. In addition, Vedomosti was a reference and information publication that published information on appointments and vacancies.

Many clergymen were involved in the publication of Vedomosti. The editor, P. D. Golovin, managed to attract the teachers of the Tobolsk seminary to cooperation, as well as other authors who published articles on the history of Siberia and Orthodoxy. Since 1885, in connection with the opening of parochial schools, the editors posted pedagogical articles and information on the state of church schools for each year.

In 1892 N. A. Gorodkov, Candidate of Theology, became the editor of the journal. Under him, the publication noticeably changed its appearance, primarily due to the fact that Vedomosti began to be printed in its own printing house. N. A. Gorodkov was personally involved in the acquisition of equipment and consumables. Bishop Justin received permission to open a printing house from the governor on July 1 (13), 1893, and on August 1 (13), N. A. Gorodkov was appointed manager of the printing house of the Tobolsk diocesan brotherhood. On December 2 (14), the Synod gave its permission. The official opening took place on January 8 (20), 1894, and the printing house started operating in full force on February 17 (March 1). From No. 6 in the title Tobolsk Diocesan Vedomosti there was a clarification - "published under the Brotherhood of St. the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki".

From 1901 to mid-1917, an appendix to the Tobolsk Diocesan Vedomosti - School Leaflet – was published. It involved reports on the state of the diocese's church schools, articles on the problems of teaching and upbringing of children, information about spiritual literature for children and the works of readers.

The frequency of publication of Vedomosti changed: from No. 13 (1914) they were published weekly, from 1918 - three times a month. In 1917, double numbers were often published due to difficulties with paper and the rise in the cost of consumables. From the beginning of 1918 the St. John-Dmitrov Brotherhood became the publisher of Vedomosti. Such a change in status was natural, because the publication responded vividly to all socially significant events of the era, giving them an ecclesiastical assessment. In the autumn of 1919, the journal ceased to exist due to the Civil War and the establishment of Soviet power in Siberia.

Tobolsk Diocesan Vedomosti contains a lot of interesting material about the events of the cultural and spiritual life of Tobolsk province in the late 19th - early 20th centuries.


Lit.: Антуфьева Н. Л. «Тобольские епархиальные ведомости» как источник по изучению региональной духовной истории // Православие, образование и воспитание в XXI веке: материалы конференции. Тюмень, 2007. С. 60–64; Большая Тюменская энциклопедия. Т. 3: Р–Я. Тюмень, 2004. С. 216; Валитов А. А. История «Тобольких епархиальных ведомостей» // Труды Тобольской Духовной семинарии. Выпуск 2. Тобольск, 2011. С. 48–56; Ермакова Ж. В. «Тобольские епархиальные ведомости» в борьбе за духовность России (1919 г.) // Православие, образование и воспитание в XXI веке: материалы конференции. Тюмень, 2007. С. 142–146; Киселёва Л. Летопись Сибирского края – на цифровом носителе // Тюменские известия. 2009. 17 декабря. С. 9; Крамор Г. Периодическая печать Тобольской губернии: обзор истории // Печатные СМИ Тюменской области: век XIX–век XXI. Т. 1. Тюмень, 2013. С. 6–59; Софронов В. Северное миссионерство глазами современников // Сибирские истоки. 2003. № 3. С. 22–24; № 4. С. 39–43; Тобольские епархиальные ведомости (1882–1919): указатель разделов и статей. Тобольск; Екатеринбург, 2009. 247 с.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Тобольские епархиальные ведомости. Тобольск, 1882–1919 (представлены выпуски с 1882 по 1918 гг.)


The article is based on the Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library