The first issue of “Siberian Trade Newspaper” published in Tyumen

21 July 1897

The first issue of the publication Siberian Trade Newspaper came out on July 9 (21), 1897. The newspaper was published in 1897-1918 and had a typography of the same name. Alexander Alexandrovich Krylov (1870-1918) was the editor and publisher of this daily public and commercial newspaper. The future editor was born in the family of a priest, studied in the Tobolsk Seminary, but didn’t finish the course. For some time, he worked in the governorate administration, was a correspondent for Bulletin of Finance, Industry and Trade, collaborated with Tobolsk Governorate Vedomosti, Yekaterinburg Weekly, Siberian Paper, Eastern Review.

The fist issue of Siberian Trade Newspaper featured a comprehensive programme for the new publication: menology and astronomical data; government orders; telegrams; chronicles of the “urban life of Tyumen and towns nearby”; trade, industrial and agrarian sections; history, archeology, ethnography and geography of Siberia; migratory, missionary and school sections; bibliography; court chronicles; reprints from other newspapers, and information section.

The editorial greeting of the first issue said: “The main goal of our newspaper is to follow the trade and industrial life of Siberia, but we won’t limit ourselves. Instead, we will also highlight the problems of the public life of our region, as much as the society allows us”. The newspaper mostly explored the life of Tyumen and Tyumen Uezd, while the front page and a part of the second page were given to the advertisements of commercial establishments. A big section was dedicated to the reprints from the capital and Siberian publications about the events in the world, Russia and Siberia. For example, letters of Deputy N. S. Skalozubov were republished from Siberian Paper.

Correspondents of the newspaper were political exiles, missioners, teachers, historians, artists, travelers. Here, materials on the issues of history, geography and migration movement were published. On the pages of Siberian Trade Newspaper, a number of articles were issued titled Letters from Moscow by the merchant-philanthropist N. M. Chukmaldin, who was the permanent employee of the newspaper. There, he explored economical, social and moral themes. In 1917, poems and feuilletons by the poet V. Knyazev were published.

Editor A. A. Krylov published the most interesting articles on the topics of ethnography, print and agriculture as separate issues in addition to the newspaper. Therefore, articles by A. S. Sherstobitov Tobolsk Journal of the End of the Past Century came out, among others.

The newspaper was printed daily, “except for Mondays and after holidays”, on two pages of big format. Sometimes, more pages were added. In 1913, a separate issue cost 3 kopecks, while a year-long subscription cost 5 rubles.

A. A. Krylov constantly evaded following the rules of censorial statutes. The first censor of Siberian Trade Newspaper, head of the Tyumen Real Alexander College I. Y. Slovtsov had an especially hard time. A. A. Krylov “treated… [the violation of the censorship rules] like a child”. For example, he “printed articles not allowed by the censorship, and once even published an unchecked by the censors issue with the note “allowed by censorship””. I. Y. Slovtsov also noted that A. A. Krylov often attacked the unfavorable by him figures on the pages of the newspaper: “the police especially suffered from him”. The editor then refused to print refutations or demanded large sums from the insulted by him figures. Illegally, of course.

On May 1, 1899 the printing of the newspaper was suspended for eight months due to the publication of a note about suicide, while such articles were forbidden during that time. Nevertheless, the eight-month break didn’t discourage the ambitious publisher. The ban by the Minister of Internal Affairs was effective from May 2, 1899, but already on May 9, A. A. Krylov published the first issue of Bulletins of Tyumen Agent of the Russian Telegraph Agency that were delivered to the readers instead of the newspaper until its printing resumed in 1900.

In 1915, the newspaper’s print run was 800-900 copies. The commercial nature of the editor’s view of his publication was ridiculed in the Yermak newspaper, noting that Siberian Trade Newspaper invites readers to watch the performance of the dancer Pavlova in the Shuster electro-theatre, posters of which were printed by A. A. Krylov.

In his typography, A. A. Krylov also printed Address-Calendars of Tobolsk Governorate, Guides to Tyumen, literature on local history.

Siberian Trade Newspaper relatively regularly (with a hiatus in January-February of 1906) was issued until February, 1918. For almost ten years, it was the only Tyumen newspaper, but the first Russian revolution caused the surge of publishing businesses. The new stage of the development of the provincial private press in Russia has come, characterized by its politicization and increase in quantity.


Lit.: А. А. Крылов // Книгоиздание в Тобольской губернии (2-я половина XIX–начало XX века): историко-библиографические справки и списки литературы / сост. Е. Н. Коновалова. Тюмень, 1994. С. 20–22;  Большая Тюменская энциклопедия. Т. 3: Р–Я. Тюмень, 2004. С. 27; Жукова Н. А. «Сибирская торговая газета» (к вопросу о практике цензуры провинциальной печати в 1897–1899 гг.) // Материалы научной конференции, посвящённой 100-летию со дня рождения профессора П. П. Рощевского (Тюмень, 15 марта 2000 г.). Тюмень, 2003. С. 80–86;  Жукова Н. А. Крылов, СТГ и И. Словцов // Лукич. 2002. № 1. С. 204–215; Календарь знаменательных и памятных дат Тюменской области на 1997 год: историко-информационные справки и списки литературы / Тюменская областная научная библиотека. Тюмень, 1997. С. 27; Крамор Г. Периодическая печать Тобольской губернии: обзор истории // Печатные СМИ Тюменской области: век XIX–век XXI. Т.1 / ред.: В. С. Горбачёв, А. В. Туринцев. Тюмень, 2013. С. 6–59.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Сибирская торговая газета: [ежедневная внепартийная газета] / ред. и изд. А. А. Крылов. Тюмень, 1897–1918 (Доступно в ЭЧЗ).


Based on the article of the Tyumen Region Branch of the Presidential Library