Birth of Russian statesman and military leader Pyotr Matveyevich Apraksin

4 July 1659

Pyotr Apraksin coming from the Apraksin family, the eldest son of the stolnik Matvey Vasilyevich, brother of F. M. Apraksin and Tsarina Marfa Matveyevna, wife of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich was born on June 24 (July 4), 1659. He began his service with the rank of a room attendant (1677), then became a courtier (1689). He was a close associate of Peter I. In 1692-1694 he served as governor in Pskov, in 1697 - Dec. 1699/Jan. 1700s - in Novgorod.

With the outbreak of the Northern War, on behalf of Peter I, he guarded the northern borders of the Novgorod land, being the newly appointed governor (1701–1705), commanded an observation detachment located in Ladoga (from 1704 Staraya Ladoga). He participated in hostilities against the Swedish troops: in 1702 he defeated the Swedish flotilla at the mouth of the river Neva and the enemy detachment near the river Izhora, in 1703 covered the siege of the Nienschanz fortress, in 1704 at the mouth of the river Narva repulsed the attack of the Swedish fleet during the siege of the fortress of Narva by the Russian army. 

From 1705 to 1708 he served as governor of Astrakhan and participated in the suppression of the Astrakhan uprising of 1705–1706. From 1708 to 1713 he was Governor of Kazan. In 1708 and 1710 he met with the Kalmyk Khan Ayukoy, who swore allegiance to Russia. In 1710, together with his brother F. M. Apraksin, he was granted the title of count. As governor, he provided great assistance to Peter I in the construction of the fleet, sending ship scaffolding to St. Petersburg, and in protecting the southern borders of Russia. On June 9 (20), 1715 he was appointed senator.

In connection with the case of Tsarevich Alexei, in February 1718 he was arrested on suspicion of having connections with him, but acquitted and appointed a member of the Supreme Court, which sentenced Alexei to death. In 1722–1726 he was President of the College of Justice, in 1724-1725 - Governor-General of the St. Petersburg province.

He died on May 29 (June 9), 1728 and was buried in the Zlatoust Monastery which was demolished in 1920–1930s.


Lit.: Анисимов Е. В. Апраксин Пётр Матвеевич // Большая российская энциклопедия; Апраксины // Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона: в 86. Т. IА (2). Алтай–Арагвай. С. 927–930.


Based on the Presidential library’s materials:

Собрание собственноручных писем государя императора Петра Великаго к Апраксиным. Ч. 1. М., 1811;

Собрание собственноручных писем государя императора Петра Великаго к Апраксиным. Ч. 2. М., 1811;

Обьявление розыскного дела и суда, по указу его царскаго величества на царевича Алексея Петровича, в Санктъпитербурхе отправленнаго, и по указу его величества в печать, для известия сенароднаго, сего июня в 25 день, 1718, выданое. [СПб., 1718].