Birthday anniversary of Russian naval commander Admiral Pavel Nakhimov
Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was born on June 23 (July 5), 1802 in the village of Gorodok (today does not exist) in the Vyazemsky district of Smolensk province in a noble family. In 1818 he graduated from the Naval Cadet Corps. In 1822–1825 while serving in the Baltic Fleet, he made a long round-the-world voyage as a watch officer on the frigate Cruiser under the command of M. P. Lazarev.
In 1827 he was assigned to Arkhangelsk on the ship Azov. Commanding batteries, he distinguished himself in the Battle of Navarino (1827) with the Turkish-Egyptian fleet, for which he was awarded the Order of St. George 4th degree and promoted to lieutenant commander. During the Russo-Turkish War of 1828–1829 he commanded the captured Egyptian corvette Navarin and participated in the blockade of the Dardanelles.
In 1832 he was appointed commander of the frigate Pallada. In 1834, at the special request of the chief commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Vice Admiral M. P. Lazarev,. Nakhimov was appointed commander of the 41st naval crew with promotion to captain of the 2nd rank, and in 1836 - commander of the ship Silistria, where he served until promotion to Admiral (1845). Later he commanded a brigade (since 1845), a division (since 1852) and a squadron (since 1853) of ships.
According to contemporaries, Pavel Nakhimov possessed significant organizational talent, he knew how to attract subordinates to maritime affairs, inspire them with energy and love for service. Together with humanity and attentive attitude towards officers and sailors, which was an infrequent occurrence in the harsh Nicholas time, this earned him popularity in the Black Sea Fleet.
In the Crimean War (1853–1856), commanding a squadron, he discovered, blocked in the Sinop Bay and defeated the main forces of the Turkish fleet in the Battle of Sinop (November 18 (30), 1853). The rescript of Emperor Nicholas I addressed to Pavel Nakhimov said: “By destroying the Turkish squadron at Sinop, you adorned the annals of the Russian fleet with a new victory, which will forever remain memorable in maritime history. Fulfilling with true joy the decision of the statute, we honor you with the Knight of St. George 2nd Class Grand Cross. In accordance with the Federal Law of March 13, 1995 № 32-FZ “On the days of military glory (victory days) of Russia”, December 1 is celebrated as the “Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of Pavel Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop”.
On September 11 (23), 1854, the military council of the Black Sea Fleet ordered the ships of the Russian squadron to be sunk in the Sevastopol Bay in order to block the path of the enemy fleet, and their teams to join the garrison of the city's defenders. During the heroic defenсe of Sevastopol (1854–1855), Pavel Nakhimov served as assistant, head of the garrison, port commander and military governor, and led the defenсe of the southern part of the city. He supervised the construction of fortifications, directly controlled the troops during the fighting. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, daily going around the advanced positions, constantly risking his life, setting examples of courage and fearlessness, Pavel Nakhimov inspired the garrison to exploits, deservedly enjoyed great prestige and love of the defenders of Sevastopol.
In the rescript dated January 13 (25), 1854, drawn up in the name of Nakhimov by Admiral General Grand Prince Konstantin Nikolayevich, on the occasion of the highest award - the White Eagle - it was noted that “We are proud of you and your glory, as an ornament our fleet. We love you as a respectable comrade who has become friends with the sea, who sees his friends in sailors. The history of the fleet will tell about your exploits to our children, but it will also say that contemporary sailors fully appreciated and understood you”.
On June 28 (July 10), 1855, Pavel Nakhimov, during a detour of the advanced fortifications, was mortally wounded in the head on Malakhov Kurgan and died 2 days later without regaining consciousness. He was buried in the Admiralty tomb of the Vladimir Cathedral in Sevastopol. On November 18 (30), 1898 on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of the Battle of Sinop, a monument to Nakhimov was erected in Sevastopol (dismantled in 1928, recreated in 1959).
In accordance with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks of August 21, 1943, secondary educational institutions with a naval educational program, named after Admiral Nakhimov - Nakhimov schools, were established. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 3, 1944, the Order of Nakhimov of the 1st and 2nd degrees and the Nakhimov medal were established.
Lit.: Военная энциклопедия. Т. 16: Минный офицерский класс – Нисса. СПб., 1914. С. 557–559; Ташлыков С. Л. Нахимов П. С. // Большая российская энциклопедия; Энциклопедический словарь Брокгауза и Ефрона: Том XXА (40). Наказный атаман – Неясыти. СПб., 1897. С. 704.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Крымская война (1853–1856): [цифровая коллекция];
Рапорт вице-адмирала Нахимова, к командиру Севастопольского порта г. вице-адмиралу Станюковичу. [Б. м. : Б. и., 19--] (В кн. также: Приказ по Эскадре, вице-адмирала Нахимова 10 октября 1853 года; Приказ вице-адмирала Нахимова 28 октября 1853 года);
Асланбегов А. Б. Адмирал Павел Степанович Нахимов. СПб, 1898;
Лялина М. А. Подвиги русских адмиралов Петра Михайлова, Спиридонова, Ушакова, Сенявина, гр. Гейдена, Лазарева, Нахимова, Корнилова и их сподвижников. СПб., 1900 (Синопский бой и оборона Севастополя. Адмиралы Нахимов и Корнилов (сканы 229–305);
Тарапыгин Ф. А. Известные русские военные деятели: краткое их жизнеописание. СПб., 1911 (Павел Степанович Нахимов (сканы 167–178);
Тарле Е. В. Нахимов. М.; Л., 1942;
Севастополь. Памятник Нахимову Севастополь: [открытка]. Севастополь, [между 1909 и 1913];
Севастополь. Памятник Нахимову: [открытка]. Стокгольм, [до 1904].