Stanislav Maltsev, a Russian writer, novelist, playwright, and journalist, was born

18 July 1929

On July 18, 1929, Stanislav Maltsev, a renowned Russian writer, novelist, playwright, journalist, and member of the Unions of Writers and Journalists of Russia, as well as the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, was born in Sverdlovsk, which is now known as Yekaterinburg.

S.V. Maltsev lost his parents at an early age and was raised by his mother's brother, Fyodor Maltsev, who was an engineer for the Sverdlovsk Railway.

After completing high school in 1948, Stanislav entered the Ural State University, now known as the Yeltsin Ural Federal University. Upon graduating in 1953, he began his career as a journalist with the newspaper Tyumenskaya Pravda.

Starting as a simple correspondent, he soon became the executive secretary of the editorial office (1956) and, since 1964, deputy editor of the newspaper. In an interview, he later admitted that this came as a surprise to him, as he had planned to study literature and write children's books, but he agreed and did not regret his decision. It was a time of development for the Tyumen North and the creation of the Tyumen oil and gas complex. S. Maltsev, as deputy editor, led coverage of the industry, with information about Samotlor, Ust-Balyk, Surgut, and Nizhnevartovsk and other oil and gas fields published daily in the newspaper.

Interest in the rapidly developing oil and gas industry in the country and abroad was great, and in 1973, the news agency for the Tyumen region opened a correspondent office in Tyumen. S. Maltsev, who was appointed as its head, recalled: "It was difficult to leave Tyumen Pravda, where I had worked for twenty years, but the new job offered interesting opportunities for creativity. I had already written children's books."

S. Maltsev's first children's book, "Petya the Bunny," was published in 1959 in Tyumen and later republished by the Central Ural Book Publishing House in Sverdlovsk. The story about a mischievous hare became the basis for a series of animated films that were shown on Sverdlovsk TV in the 1970s. However, S. Maltsev started as an adult writer. His first book was the collection "Wolf's Trail: Stories about Police Officers", published at the end of 1958 by the Tyumen Book Publishing House.

In the 1960s and 1970s, several novellas and short stories were published for children, including "The Secret of the Blue Cave" (1961) and "The Adventures of Two Friends" (1964). These stories about Petya the Bunny and his adventures became popular among readers, and they were republished with new additions. Another character, Kuzya Shchuchkin, the red-nosed kitten from a fairy tale, gained popularity in 1992.

Based on the plays of S. Maltsev, such as "A Footprint on Earth," "The Ballad of the Eternal City," and "In Pursuit of a Mystery," performances were staged in theaters across the country. During the last years of his life, Maltsev published several books for adult readers, but he is best remembered for his fairy tales about Petya and Kuzya.

S. Maltsev believed that children's literature should provide the child with the first lessons in goodness and justice. He was convinced that children's books should teach them the simplest thing - love, to love everyone in the world as oneself.

On May 10, 2020, S. V. Maltsev passed away in Tyumen.

Лит.: Комаров С. А. Мальцев Станислав Владимирович // Большая Тюменская энциклопедия. Тюмень, 2004. Т. 2: И–П. С. 252–253; Мальцев Станислав Владимирович // Писатели Тюменской области: биобиблиогр. указ. / сост. Н. А. Горбунова. Свердловск, 1988. С. 64–66; Станислав Мальцев // Тюменской строкой: антология / сост. Ю. А. Мешков. Тюмень, 2008. С. 167; Тарабаева И. Заяц, который обскакал весь мир // Проталина. 2008. № 1. С. 114–117; Тарабаева И. Писатель Мальцев и его ушастый талисман // Тюменские известия. 2009. 24 июля. (№ 131 (4873)). С. 6; Хозяинова С. Журналист, писатель, драматург // Тюменская область сегодня. 2012. 19 дек. С. 6.


См. также в Президентской библиотеке:

Кузя Щучкин – рыжий нос. Утопить котюгу!: глава из новой кн. // Тюменская правда. 2011. 21 июля. № 130 (18549). С. 12 (доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Приключения Тюпы: сказка // Тюменская правда. 2012. 19 янв. (№ 7 (18671). С. 12 (Колокольчик) (доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Стала ты моей судьбою // Тюменская правда. 2014. 18 июля. (№ 126 (19272)). С. 3 (доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Микки-Чикки находит друга: [сказка] / С. Мальцев; рис. Е. Кран // Тюменская правда. 2015. 21 мая. (№ 85 (19473)). С. 12 (доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Микки-Чикки едет к Кузе: (из новой книжки «Микки-Чикки, маленький воробка Станислава Мальцева») // Тюменская правда. 2015. 24 дек. (№ 138 (19526)). С. 23 (доступно в электронном читальном зале)

Зайка Петя идёт в школу: из новой книжки // Тюменская правда. 2017. 19 янв. № 2 (19580). С. 23 (доступно в электронном читальном зале)


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