Establishment of Tobolsk Mariinskiy Women's

3 August 1854

On July 22 (August 3), 1854, the Mariinsky Women's School was opened in Tobolsk. This was a secular educational institution in the Department of Institutions of Empress Maria and marked the beginning of women's education in Western Siberia.

Until the middle of the 19th century, there was no systematic female education in this region. One of the first people to draw attention to this issue was a member of the State Council, N. N. Annenkov, who instructed the Tobolsk governor, K. F. Engelke, to draft a plan for a new institution and find funds to support it. In 1852, a women's parish school was opened in Tobolsk by the Decembrists, P. N. Svistunov and A. M. Muravyov. The Mariinsky School opened on the site of this school on July 22, 1854 under the patronage of the Main Council for Women's Education Institutions of the Department of Empress Maria.

The school had two departments. In the first, there were 120 girls who did not have accommodation or boarding. In the second, there were only 50 girls. In addition, 10 orphaned girls from families of officials, merchants, and clergy were fully supported by the school. The representatives of the lower class studied in the first department for six years. During this time, they learned how to read, write, learn the law of God, basic arithmetic, Russian language, and needlework. Training in the second department lasted a year longer. Here, the daughters of officials, merchants, and clergy also studied. They were taught mathematics, literature, history, geography, German, French, dancing, and drawing in addition to the basic subjects.

The general management of the school was led by the Governor-General of Western Siberia, while the practical management was overseen by the Council. This council included the trustee, director of schools from the Tobolsk province, a representative from officials, and a deputy from merchants.

The trustee, chosen from among the honorable ladies of Tobolsk, was responsible for overseeing the moral and physical well-being of the children. Depending on the trustee's decisions, the matron and her assistants were assigned. The director of the schools took care of the educational aspects, while the authorized representative from the officials handled the financial matters.

The maintenance of the school cost about 21,000 rubles per year. This included both voluntary donations and interest on the capital - 820 rubles. Additionally, there were payments charged to students of the second department - 12 rubles per person per year, as well as 881 rubles from the interest on the total reserve capital of women's educational institutions. July 1, 1858 saw the opening of a orphanage at the school thanks to charitable donations.

On November 5, 1859, the Governor-General of Western Siberia, G.F. Gasford, approved a proposal submitted by the school board to bring the curriculum of the second department closer to that of a gymnasium and the first department closer to that of county schools. The fee for studying at the second department was reduced to 5 rubles per year, and boarders from outside the region could be accepted into the institution for a very modest fee of 75 rubles per year.

The Tobolsk Mariinsky Women's School fully met the educational goals of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. According to archival records, "after completing the full course of studies, girls who graduate from this school become kind, intelligent mothers and competent teachers, many of whom successfully teach in women's colleges and rural schools in the Tobolsk region." The success of the Tobolsk Mariinsky Women' School was recognized, and due to the need for a girls' high school in Tobolsk, on August 1, 1913, the school was transformed into a high school under the leadership of E. V. Pushkareva.

In 1919, after the establishment of Soviet Authority in Tobolsk, the gymnasium was closed, and Soviet school No. 1 was formed in its place, which since 1924 became a grade II school with coeducation of boys and girls. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the names of the school often changed: the basic seven-year school named after Stalin, the factory school, junior high school No. 1, and since 1934 – secondary school No. 1.

The Mariinsky Women's School played a significant role in the development of the secular women's education system in Western Siberia. For a long time, it remained the only such educational institution in the territory of the Tobolsk Governorate, since all other educational institutions for women in Tobolsk, Turinsk, Yalutorovsk, Omsk, Kurgan, Berezovo existed at churches and monasteries. Their education did not fully meet the needs of their time.


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Archive materials: ГБУТО ГА (Государственный архив в г. Тобольске). Ф. 165. Оп. 1. Материалы об истории Тобольской Мариинской женской школы. Историческая записка, 1854–1877.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

РГИА Ф.1265 Оп.3 Д.61. Об учреждении Мариинской женской школы в г. Тобольске. 24 апреля 1854 г. 6 л. (доступно в электронном читальном зале);

Отчет о деятельности Общества вспомоществования недостаточным ученицам Тобольской Мариинской женской школы... За 1914–1915 уч. год. Тобольск, 1916 (доступно в электронном читальном зале);

Педагогический коллектив Тобольской Мариинской женской гимназии: [фотография] / М. Уссаковская. Тобольск, 1912–1913;

Крюкова Н. В зеркале времен. Далёкое – близкое // Учительская газета. 2016. 9 февраля (№6). С. 15 (доступно в электронном читальном зале);

Шилина Т. А. Эволюция женского образования в России: государственная политика и общественная инициатива (конец XVIII- начало XX вв.): автореф. дис. … к.и.н. Саратов, 2010;

Учреждена Тобольская губернская гимназия // День в истории. 24 марта 1810.


The article was prepared by Tyumen branch of the Presidential Library