“Northern Union of Russian workers” formed
December 23, 1878 (January 4, 1879) in St. Petersburg was founded the first revolutionary underground workers’ organization - "Northern Union of Russian Workers”, headed by V. P. Obnorskii and S. N. Khalturin.
In the second half of 1870s in Russia began to appear first workers' organization. In December 1878, in St. Petersburg, out of workers' circles, which functioned during the winter of 1876-1877, formed the “Northern Union of Russian Workers”, which included about 200 people.
Only workers were allowed to join the Union. Among its active members were: L. I. Abramenkov, I. A. Bachin, S. I. Vinogradov, A. E. Gorodnichii, K. A. Ivanaynen, P. A. Moiseenko, S. K. Volkov, Dmitry Smirnov, A. N. Peterson and others.
At the founding meeting, held on 23 and 30 December, 1878 (4 and 11 January, 1879), the "Union" adopted a policy document - appeal "To the Russian workers", which indicated the need for political struggle, political freedoms, the issue of the establishment of the all-Russian organization of workers was raised. The appeal referred to the need to abolish private ownership of land and the establishment of communal land tenure, creation of workers’ associations for the organization of production. The ultimate goal was to overthrow the existing political and economic system.
In working districts of the capital the offices of the Union were set up. Each of them was governed by the local committee, whose representative was a member of the central circle, which directed the work of the Union. The central circle was in charge of the library (the most significant among illegal workers’ libraries) and the cash register.
The Union actively participated in the strike movement, led the revolutionary propaganda at the enterprises of St. Petersburg, in the end of February 1880 it issued a number of Russia's first working paper "Rabochaya Zarya” (Working dawn). However, after the 1st number issue, the printing house was discovered by police and raided. Soon, due to numerous arrests, "Union" ceased to exist.
Lit.: Корольчук Э. А. «Северный союз русских рабочих» и революционное рабочее движение 70-х годов XIX в. в Петербурге. Л., 1946; Рабочее движение 60-х — начала 90-х годов XIX в. // Фроянов И. Я. История России от древнейших времен до начала XX века. СПб., 1999; Северный союз русских рабочих // Большая советская энциклопедия. М., 1976. Т. 23 (ссылка).