The Main Committee on Peasant Affair established
3 (15) January 1857, the Secret Committee was established for elaboration of general grounds for serfdom abolishment.
The Committee was directly administered and chaired by the emperor. In the absence of the emperor it was presided by Prince A. F. Orlov (3 (15) January, 1857 – 25 September (7 October), 1860), then by grand duke Konstantin Nikolaevich (September 25 (October 7), 1860 - February 19 (March 3), 1861). The committee consisted of: D. N. Bludov, V. F. Adlerberg, M. A. Korf, P. P. Gagarin, K. V. Chevkin, Ya. I. Rostovtsev, grand duke Konstantin Nikolaevich, the ministers of: Interior, Finance, State Property, Justice. Managing the affairs of the Committee was assigned to the Secretary of State, V. P. Butkov, the State Chancellery was in charge of the records management of the Committee.
At the committee meetings were addressed the issues of common grounds for reform, as well as the question "on how to start the works on the liberation of serfs in the provinces of Vilna, Kovno and Grodno."
16 (28) February, 1858 the Secret Committee was renamed to the Main Committee on Peasant Affair, and from February 21 (March 5), 1858 received the publicity of its existence.
Committee reviewed draft rescripts for governors, according to which provincial noble committees were formed on the sites. March 30 (April 11), 1859 were established the Editorial Commissions to draft general regulations for everyday life of household serfs. During the period of the work of the commissions, the Committee had no influence on the drafting of the reform. 10 (22) October 1860, Editorial Commissions were closed. The projects elaborated by them were submitted to the Committee for consideration, after which they were presented in the General Meeting of the State Council.
The last committee meeting was held on 14 (26) February, 1861 and February 19 (March 3), 1861 the committee was disbanded due to the completion of activities. At the same time, legislative acts on the abolition of serfdom were adopted.
Lit.: Алексеев В. П. Секретные комитеты при Николае I // Великая реформа. М., 1911. Т. 2; Высшие и центральные государственные учреждения России. 1801-1917 гг. СПб., 1998. Т. 1; Зайончковский П. А. Отмена крепостного права в России. М., 1968; Семевский В. И. Крестьянский вопрос в России в XVIII и первой половине XIX вв. СПб., 1888. Т. 2.
Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:
Полное собрание законов Российской империи. Собрание 2. СПб., 1860. Т. 33. № 32795.