Alexander I issued the decrees on colleges and academic districts establishment

5 February 1803

January 24 (February 5), 1803 Alexander I approved a decree "On the foundation of colleges", defining the basis of a new educational system: the territory of Russia was divided into six academic districts, each of them headed by a university. One of the paragraphs of the decree stipulated that five years after the publication of the decree: "No one will be appointed to a civil office requiring legal and other knowledge, without having graduated from a public or state college."

According to the decree, the Russian education system was based on the principles of non-estate, free education at its lowest levels, continuity of educational programs to allow the one, who has completed the lower level, freely enter the highest one. The first (lowest) stage was one-class parish school, the second – three-classes district college, and the third – six-classes gymnasium in the provincial capital.

“For the moral education of citizens in accordance with their duties and benefits, "the provisional rules of public education” have been worked out, which introduced four kinds of colleges: 1) one-class parochial colleges in rural areas which replaced minor public schools; 2) three-classes district colleges in the chief towns of districts; 3) seven-year provincial gymnasiums (former main public schools); 4) universities.

The imperial decree also established six academic districts, headed by trustees appointed by the Russian monarch. However, the trustee performed only the functions of supervision and control over educational institutions in the assigned district. Essentially, all the learning processes in the districts were managed by the universities: they developed curricula, issued textbooks, controlled high schools of the district. Headmaster was in charge of the provincial district colleges, and district college superintendent, in his turn, was in charge of the district parish schools district.

General Directorate of Colleges established in 1803 was in charge of the entire education system. The General Directorate of schools was a collegial body - the Council of Minister "in regards of school's educational institutions in the districts." Being under the chairmanship of Minister of Education, it consisted of the Trustees of school districts, the Deputy Minister of National Education, Director of the Department of National Education and other members approved by the emperor. In the first decades of its existence, the General Directorate was the governing body of the Ministry of National Education (MNE). Among its members were: M. N. Muraviov, trustee of the St. Petersburg school district and president of the Academy of Sciences; A. A. Chartoryisky, trustee of the University of Vilnius; P. A. Stroganoff, Assistant Minister of the Interior; S. O. Pototsky, trustee of the University of Kharkov; F. I. Klinger, trustee of the University of Dorpat and director of the Cadet Corps; academicians S. Ya. Rumovskiy, N. Ya. Ozeretskovsky and N. I. Fus, and from 1809 – M. M. Speransky.

General Directorate of Colleges was engaged in the preparation and review of curricula of universities, secondary and elementary schools. In addition, it explained, corrected, or revoked the resolution on the part of the curriculum, resolved all the issues of education put forward by the practice. Was in charge of appointment and transfer of teaching staff, supplied the school with books and teaching aids. Managed the economic affairs of the school and considered the most important property issues for the MNE. In addition, the Board controlled the censorship agency until1828, reviewed the annual reports of all central and local agencies to the MNE, was drawing up the estimates for the MNE, visited and inspected educational institutions.

5 (17) November 1804 Alexander I issued the General University Charter setting the rules for higher educational institutions.

8 (20) December 1828 a new Charter was issued. According to it, district colleges were designed primarily for children of merchants, chief officers and nobles. From 1875 began the transformation of district colleges into municipal ones.


Lit.: Высшие и центральные государственные учреждения России. 1801-1917. Т. 3. СПб., 2002; Полное собрание законов Российской Империи. Собрание 1-е. СПб., 1802-1803. Т. 27 (1830). №№ 20597, 20598; Сборник постановлений по Министерству народного просвещения. 1802-1825. СПб., 1864. Т. 1. Стб. 13-21.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Полное собрание законов Российской Империи. Собрание 1-е. СПб., 1802-1803. Т. 27 (1830). №№ 20597, 20598.