The Truce of Andrusovo signed

9 February 1667

January 30 (February 9), 1667 in the village of Andrusovj near Smolensk Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth signed the truce for thirteen and a half years.

The Truce of Andrusovo ended the Russian-Polish war of 1654-166,.initiated due to seizure of lands by Poland in 1609-1611, and the non-recognition of the reunification of Ukraine and Russia.

A long-term war between Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was taking place in Little Russia, Belarus, Lithuania and Russia. Battles were fought with varying success and exhausted forces of the belligerent parties, which led to the compromise agreement.

First, the parties wanted to conclude the "Eternal Peace", but it had proved difficult because of the Cossacks, who did not want to go back under the Polish rule and the reluctance of the tsar’s government to renounce the rights to the Russian land, which still remained under the authority of the Poles. After lengthy negotiations, 20 (30) January 1667, A. L. Ordin-Nashchokin from Russia and Yu. Glebovich from Poland signed the truce for 13,5 years, during which the parties committed themselves to prepare for "Eternal Peace" between them.

Under the terms of the truce the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was to return to Russia Smolensk and Chernigov province, recognize the reunification of the Left-Bank Ukraine and Russia. The Right-bank Ukraine and Western Belorussia were to remain under the authority of the Commonwealth. Kiev was to remain Russian until 1669, but it kept it for itself even later, after paying 146 thousand rubles in compensation, which had been registered by the "Eternal Peace" in 1686. Zaporozhian Sich was declared under the joint authority of both states. In the case of attacks of Crimean Tatars against Ukrainian lands, Russia and Poland pledged to provide assistance to the Cossacks; and in the case of Tatars’ attack on one of the contracting parties, the other one should not support them. An exchange of prisoners of war was made.

The Truce of Andrusovo had not solved the complex issues facing Russia, but was an important step towards the unification of the Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian peoples. It marked the transition from the ancient enmity between Russia and Poland for their convergence on the basis of joint struggle against the Ottoman Empire and against Sweden at the beginning of the XVIII century.

In 1686 Poland and Russia signed the "Eternal Peace," which confirmed the provisions of the Truce of Andrusovo.


Lit.: Галактионов И. В. Из истории русско-польского сближения в 50-х – 60-х годах XVII в. Саратов, 1960; Галактионов И. В. Россия и Речь Посполитая на заключительном этапе Русско-польской войны третьей четверти XVII века // Славянский сборник. Вып. 5. Саратов, 1993; Малов А. В. Русско-польская война 1654-1667 гг. М., 2006.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

Полное собрание законов Российской империи. Собрание первое. Т. 1. С 1649 по 1675. СПб., 1830. С. 656-669 .